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Bradley Thomas

Fortnite Update 24.30 Patch Notes

Downtime details:

5PM if you're in NSW, QLD, VIC, ACT and TAS

4:30PM if you're in SA and NT

3PM if you're in WA

7PM if you're in NZ

Patch details:

New Star Wars Skins

With Anakin Skywalker being confirmed as coming, we have head that there will possibly be 4 new Star Wars skins coming with the item shop refresh as part of this update.

New Sith vs Jedi battle?

Fortnite have been teasing players to choose a side in recent social posts that could be indicating some form of in game mini event tied into the existing storylines and current map / seasonal changes.

Star Was weapons return

We will see the return of the classic light saber and pulse rifles, but will we finally get our hands one a double ended light saber?

More details to come! Don't forget you can support us by using code 'mrbradprime' in the Fortnite item shop.


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