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Today Epic Games announced 'FRACTURE', the season finale event for Chapter 3 of Fortnite. The event will take place on 4th December at 8:00 am AEDT and is expected to be one of the biggest in the history of Fortnite.
Australia & New Zealand Local Event Times
Sunday 4th December
Western Australia: 5:00 am
Northern Territory: 6:30 am
Queensland: 7:00 am
South Australia: 7:30 am
New South Whales/Victoria/Tasmania: 8:00 am
New Zealand: 10:00 am
Unreal Editor 2.0 (Unreal Editor for Fortnite - UEFN) Delayed
Tim Sweeney from Epic Games confirmed that Unreal Editor for Fortnite has been delayed to at least late January 2023.

We will be updating this page as any info becomes available so stay tuned.