Super Earth soldiers – prepare to unleash maximum firepower! The new "Democratic Detonation" Premium Warbond arrives on April 11th, bringing a thrilling arsenal of explosive weapons, specialized armor, and even some fashionable capes to the fight against the alien hordes.
Weapons of Liberation
BR-14 Adjudicator Rifle: Pierce enemy armour with this deadly accurate assault rifle.
R-36 Eruptor Rifle: Deliver long-range destruction with explosive shrapnel rounds. Warning: watch your aim!
CB-9 Exploding Crossbow: Unleash the satisfying "kaboom" of powerful bolts. Be sure to calculate for gravity when taking aim.
Secondary Mayhem
G-123 Thermite Grenade: This sticky grenade burns hot enough to melt through tough defenses.
GP-31 Grenade Pistol: This does exactly what you think – launches grenades for added firepower.
Expert Extraction Pilot Booster: Get out of a tight spot quickly with a faster extraction shuttle arrival.
Armored and Ready
CE-27 Ground Breaker (Medium Armor): Obstacles are no match for this sturdy armour set.
CE-07 Demolition Specialist (Light Armor): Designed for tough conditions, it withstands everything from pressure shifts to high-speed impacts.
FS-55 Devastator (Heavy Armor): Stay protected with this heavy-duty suit, originally built for dangerous colonial work.
Complete the Look
Top off your Helldiver style with new capes like the Harbinger of True Equality, Eagle's Fury, or Freedom's Tapestry!
The Democratic Detonation Warbond launches on April 11th.
Get ready to ignite the fires of democracy and make the enemies of Super Earth tremble!