Several people have pointed out a sneaky marketing strategy Sony started using recently during trailers of upcoming games that are not PlayStation exclusive, and people are not happy. Trailers of games that are launching across several platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo, have some misleading footnote text 'Coming to PS5 only.'. Some comments around this have stated that it's to note that these titles are not on PS4 and will only be available on Sony's PS5 console.
Many are pointing out that from an outside perspective, the uninformed, casual gamer and parents seeing these will think the titles are PlayStation exclusive and could incorrectly impact buying decisions. Marketing is a fine line between delivering a message and captivating an audience. However, most in the industry will agree that misleading tactics like this are uncommon and generally frowned upon.
You can see a couple of screenshots below showing the footnotes, along with a link to the full trailer.
Source: Gaz (@Gazondaily) / Twitter