Compulsion Games has released a captivating documentary, "Weaving Hazel's Journey: A South of Midnight Documentary," offering a behind-the-scenes look at their upcoming action-adventure game. This immersive experience delves into the game's music, inspiration, and development process, and features brand-new gameplay footage.
The documentary also highlights the talented actors bringing the characters to life:
Ahmed Best (Star Wars Episodes I-III, The Mandalorian, Fallout 76) as Performance and Voice Director
Adriyan Rae (Chicago Fire, Vagrant Queen, Atlanta) as the voice of Hazel
Nona Parker Johnson (Fear the Walking Dead, Mayor of Kingstown) as the motion capture and stunt actress for Hazel
In addition to the documentary, Compulsion Games has announced a limited-edition South of Midnight box set in collaboration with Cook & Becker. This exquisite set includes:
A 160-page art book
A two-LP vinyl with the full game soundtrack
A comic book by award-winning artist Rob Guillory
Metal artwork and a Big Game Tours fridge magnet
South of Midnight is set to launch in 2025 for Xbox Series X|S, PC, Steam, and Cloud, and will be available on Game Pass on day one.